Hi, I'm Akshit

I'm a Sophomore at IIIT, Hyderabad

pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science.

Besides that, I'm also a content creator, a Notion enthusiast, a Football fan, and a lover of Indie music. I also like to watch Anime.


Content Creation

I make videos about my college life, productivity, tech, education and anything else that catches my eye.

Always trying to make better videoes, one video at a time.

30+ Videos
6000+ Subscribers
475,000+ Views


My workspace

I love using Notion for my personal life, and I also love giving back to the Notion community!

Below are templates that I've made in the past year using Notion. Give them a try! Find tutorials on how to use them here.

College Dashboard

The one stop shop for all your college needs.
Includes a timetable, a tasks database, a courses database linked to the tasks database, and an area to scribble notes. My favourite.

JEE Planner

A template I used to survive my JEE Preparation.
Includes a database of all the different topics, a calender, a database to help plan practice exams and more. Good luck!


My work online

Bob, The Obstacle Avoider

For my Embedded Systems course, I made a robot that can avoid obstacles using an ultrasonic sensor, a servo motor, a power bank and some nice looking wheels.

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The Vicious Aegis Shell is a shell coded in C emulating the bash shell. It has a lot of features like piping, redirection, background processes, and more. Try it out!

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Added features to the XV-6 Operating System, which included new system calls, and 4 new schedulers including a Priority Based scheduler and a Multi-Level Feedback Queue scheduler.

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Work Experience so far


May 2022 - Oct 2022

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quae placeat adipisci, ab expedita, perferendis sequi exercitationem deleniti tenetur veniam, qui debitis. Placeat, mollitia dolorum aut cumque beatae vel! Aspernatur, natus!


May 2022 - Oct 2022

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quae placeat adipisci, ab expedita, perferendis sequi exercitationem deleniti tenetur veniam, qui debitis. Placeat, mollitia dolorum aut cumque beatae vel! Aspernatur, natus!